Infrared Thermography ISO Cat I

This course will prepare you for life as an infrared thermographer. You will learn the fundamentals of infrared energy and the camera, and you will learn about the most common applications.

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Scott Henderson
October 14, 2024
October 17, 2024
Flyer & Resources

Information & Course

With the assistance of the Mobius Institute interactive simulations, 3D animations, and a wealth of case studies, you will understand the ‘science’ of infrared thermography and how the camera functions (and thus how to collect good data the first time). You will learn about the mechanical and electrical failure modes of plant equipment so that you can accurately and confidently detect and diagnose a wide range of fault conditions. Throughout the course you will participate in practical exercises so you may put what you have just learned into practice.

Course Description

Duration: 4 days including optional 2-hour certification exam

Example Hours:

Training Days 1-3: 8.00am to 5.00pm

Training Day 4: 8.00am to 11.00am

Exam Day 4: 11.00am to 1.00pm


Classroom learning


Certification examination, 2 hours, 75% passing grade, 50 multiple choice questions.


Follows ISO 18436-7 and Certification ISO 18436-1, ISO/IEC 17024, Training ISO 18436-3.

Pre & Post Study:

Registered students are given access to the online version of the course via the Mobius Institute Learning Zone™ before the class and for four months after course completion to assist them with converting the course information into practice.

Certification Prerequisite:

Prior experience is not required for attending the training course, but 12 months of verified experience is required for certification. Candidates must pass the Ishihara colour perception test.


You will come away from the course with the knowledge and confidence to be successful as an infrared thermographer. With a good understanding of thermography fundamentals, you will be competent in quality data acquisition and diagnosing common faults.

Certification is valid for 5 years.

Course Includes:

·                3.5-day classroom training

·                Pre and post course online ‘Learning Zone’ study resources

·                Diagnostic reference guide

·                Course notes/manual

·                Diagnostic mousepad

·                Lunches and refreshments

·                Interactive assessments during the course

·                Certificate of completion

·                Mobius certificate

·                Mobius membership

Optional Exam: 2-hour Certification exam, 75% passing grade, 50 multiple-choice questions.

Course Summary

Maintenance practices

·                Reactive, preventive, condition-based, proactive

·                How to decide between them

Condition monitoring

·                Why it works

·                Vibration, ultrasound, oil analysis, wear particle analysis, and electric moto testing

·                Detecting faults, root causes, and quality control

Principles of infrared thermography

·                Understanding the difference between heat energy and temperature

·                The laws of thermodynamics

·                Heat transfer modes – conduction, convection and radiation

·                The thermal capacity of different materials

Thermal conduction

·                The fundamentals of conduction

·                Conductive heat transfer rate

·                Thermal conductivity of different materials

Thermal convection

·                The fundamentals of convection

·                Compensating for the “wind cooling effect”

Thermal radiation

·                The fundamentals of radiation

·                Emitted, reflected and transmitted radiation.

·                Radiation wavelengths and the electromagnetic spectrum

·                Emissivity and the Stefan-Boltzmann Law

·                Incident and exitant radiation

Equipment and data acquisition

·                Understanding the infrared camera

·                Lenses and lens materials

·                Capturing and controlling the image with temperature range, level and span

·                Colour palette selection.

·                Error source recognition, prevention and control

·                Calibrating the thermal camera

·                Environmental and operational conditions

·                Image storage and management

Safety rules and guidelines

·                Hazard awareness

·                Standards and guides

·                Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Thermographic applications

·                The basic principles of diagnostics (ISO 13379) and prognostics (ISO 13381)

·                Machinery engineering principles

·                Electrical application – fuses, transformers, switchgear, transmission lines etc

·                Mechanical application – pipes, tanks, refractories, heat exchangers etc

·                Civil applications – windows, air leaks, construction integrity etc

·                Process applications – steam traps.

General image interpretation guidelines

·                Image processing

·                Fault Classification

Report generation

·                Providing actionable information

Infrared Thermography ISO Cat I – Certification

All Thermalign trained, Mobius Institute ™ certified analysts receive personalised logos with their certification number and name for their own professional use. Mobius Institute also maintains a listing of all certified analysts on their website and provides each analyst with a certification confirmation web page.

For more information about Mobius Institute’s accreditation, and the recognition of your certification by the ISO 18436 - 7 standard, please visit

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