Effective Asset Reliability

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Every reliability (and maintenance) improvement program must utilize a technique that establishes an effective maintenance strategy: the right balance of condition-based maintenance, time-based maintenance, and other elements. Unfortunately, in many plants, the maintenance strategy (and the condition monitoring plan) simply evolve over time. As a result, there are tasks and tests performed that either add no value, provide little value, or in some cases, harm the equipment.In this course you will learn how to develop an asset strategy. After a detailed overview of the process, and after describing some of the fundamental components that must be in place (a master asset list, bill of materials, a CMMS, etc.), we will cover four tools that will help you establish the asset strategy.First, we will begin with a detailed summary of fault tree analysis (also known as causal tree analysis). While this technique is not used to develop the asset strategy specifically, it is a powerful tool that supports FMECA and RCM (and RCA, which is covered in a separate course).Next, we will discuss Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA).
This is a powerful tool that enables you to identify each of the tasks must be performed to ensure that failures are kept to a minimum. This technique is often used when performing root cause analysis, and it should be used during the design phase of new projects to ensure that the lifecycle costs are kept to a minimum.Next, we will all discuss Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). Some would argue that FMECA is a subset of RCM, but for sure, if you wish to be successful with RCM it helps a great deal to be familiar with FMECA.
And finally, we will cover Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO).